The Group
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Prof. Dr. Annapaola de Cosa -
Dr. Jeremi Niedziela, Postdoc -
Florian Eble, PhD
The field of High Energy Physics has made dramatic progress over recent decades, rewarding humankind with a deep insight into the elementary structure of the Universe. The Standard Model (SM) theory of particle physics provides an outstanding description of the dynamics of the elementary particles constituting ordinary matter. However, the SM is not sufficient to explain some observed phenomena, one of the most remarkable being the astrophysical and cosmological evidence of Dark Matter (DM). DM abundance in the Universe is a clear indication of existence of new physics beyond the SM. The lack of observation of any new particle or interaction, suggests that new theoretical and experimental strategies are essential.
One way to tackle the limitation of current searches in particle collider experiments is to look into uncharted territories, investigating novel, though challenging signatures which have not been explored so far. With my group, I am studying proton-proton collision data collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC at 13 TeV centre of mass energy, looking for signs of new physics hiding in events with final states with quarks collimated to missing momentum from invisible particles. The group is working to overcome to the current lack of instruments to tackle this region of the phase space, developing algorithms based on advanced machine learning techniques, new to the field of high energy physics. In this way it will be possible to access these data increasing our chances to observe new physics.