Welcome to Florian Eble and Jeremi Niedziela
We are happy to welcome Florian Eble, doctoral student and Jeremi Niedziela, Postdoc in our group.

Welcome to Florian Eble - We are happy to welcome Florian Eble in our group as new doctoral student. Florian recently finished a student internship at CERN where he worked on the luminosity measurement of 2018 lead-lead collisions delivered by the LHC and recorded by the CMS experiment. Florian joined our team to search for signs of Dark Matter with the CMS experiment. Welcome Florian!
Welcome to Jeremi Niedziela - We are happy to welcome Jeremi Niedziela in our group as a new postdoc. After his fellowship at CERN, Jeremi joined our group to push forward our project of establishing a model-independent strategy to search for new physics beyond the Standard Model with the CMS experiment and in proton-proton collision data where missing momentum is reconstructed as collimated to hadronic activity. Welcome Jeremi!